Posts tagged holistic
Harmful Chemicals are Destroying Your Hormones. Here's What You Can Do.

What we eat is crucial to building balanced hormones, but what’s equally important are our beauty products, toiletries and household cleansers!Our toiletries and cleansers tend to get overlooked, yet the play a crucial part in causing painful periods and serious hormonal imbalances

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A Holistic Guide to Spring Seasonal Allergies

The temperature is rising, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and nature is blooming. This can only mean one thing: Spring has officially sprung!

Many of us have been anxiously waiting to put away those bulky winter coats, dust off our lighter layers, and get to the local farmers’ market with an ice-cold coffee in hand. Unfortunately, this euphoric state of spring bliss is blurred by the burden of seasonal allergies for as many as 30% of adults and 40% of children

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4 Crucial Supplements for Healthy Periods

Everyone has a different opinion about supplements. People tend to go one of two ways: conservative or liberal. Conservatives think that we can get all the nutrients we need from our diet, and liberals think that supplements can make up for a bad diet.

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6 Alternatives to the Birth Control Pill

When I was 23, after having been on the birth control pill since the age of 14 (prescribed for ovarian cysts), I had had enough of the horrible side effects of the pill. So I quit. And guess what? I didn’t have a period for three months, I had terrible acne, and I was experiencing mood swings.

After three months of having no period (amenorrhea) I visited the doctor and asked him for help. So what was his answer?

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Are You Getting Enough Protein?

Protein. It’s vital for our health. But did you know that too much protein can actually increase the rate of chronic disease and weight gain? The other day I was at a popular “healthy” chain where they offered a gluten-free, hemp-seed brownie, advertised to have tons of protein.

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How To Repair Your Gut During and After Taking Antibiotics

These days antibiotics are prescribed for just about anything. You have a cough? Well take some antibiotics! Your ear hurts, Sally? Oh no problem, just take some antibiotics. Oh no, little Joe has a boo-boo on his finger? Let’s give him a Z-Pak just for good measure!

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6 Steps to Get Rid of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is your body’s way of telling you that something is off with the way you are eating. Our body speaks to us in sensations, so it is extremely important to listen to them. If you are experiencing acid reflux, then your body is trying to communicate that you need to add more alkaline foods to your diet.

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