Posts tagged vegetarian
3 Steps to Conscious Eating

Conscious eating is a major and necessary feature of our plant-based philosophy, a philosophy that extends out of the kitchen, off of our plates and into the wider world, informing how we interact with others and how we treat our environment.

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Are You Getting Enough Protein?

Protein. It’s vital for our health. But did you know that too much protein can actually increase the rate of chronic disease and weight gain? The other day I was at a popular “healthy” chain where they offered a gluten-free, hemp-seed brownie, advertised to have tons of protein.

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How To Make Kefir

Fermented foods are my jam. I love them more than most anything, as I know how healthy and vibrant they make my body. The key to good health is maintaining healthy bacteria in our gut- it’s pretty much crucial to our physical wellbeing, and as we have learned, our mental wellbeing as well.

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MILK. Does It Really Do the Body Good?

Let’s talk milk. Dairy is controversial and is the cause of many debates between health professionals. Some say dairy is healthy while others believe it should be avoided like the bubonic plague. The truth is, around 60% of the entire world is somewhat lactose intolerant, which means they can’t digest the milk protein, lactose.

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5 Reasons To Go Meatless Monday

Seeing as I’m a vegetarian, I don’t eat meat on any day that ends in “y”, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a vegetarian to participate in the Meatless Monday movement. Today around 18% of Americans participate in the movement, and I encourage you to give it a try.

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A Survival Guide To Staying Healthy During the Holidays

It’s that time of year for families and friends to get together to be merry! I don’t know about you, but I used to get stressed out over social holiday events due to the lack of control of the foods I could eat at holiday parties.

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