Posts tagged body
Are You Getting Enough Protein?

Protein. It’s vital for our health. But did you know that too much protein can actually increase the rate of chronic disease and weight gain? The other day I was at a popular “healthy” chain where they offered a gluten-free, hemp-seed brownie, advertised to have tons of protein.

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The Dilemma with Today's Bread + Your Buying Guide

Wheat is the largest staple in the world and is consumed by millions of people across the globe. In today’s world we are faced with the dilemma that the bread we eat is drastically different from the bread our ancestors ate. Bread is supposed to be a simple food with only three ingredients, but most of the store-bought bread found on the shelves today has up to 37.

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Foods to Eat For A Trim Waist + The Ones to Avoid

It doesn’t matter how many fancy tummy exercises you are doing, if you are still eating too much C.R.A.P (Carbonated drinks, Refined food, Artificial ingredients, Processed hyper-caloric Frankenfoods) then you are not going to have a trim waist.

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9 Things You Can Do NOW to Get Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite. All women have it. And if they say they don’t they are lying. Even the magazines are lying with all the Photoshop used these days. But the truth is, although the amount of cellulite you have can rely heavily on your genetics, you also have the power to turn off some of these genes with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

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The Most Important Ritual For Your Health That You Can Start Today

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Take a moment and think about it. We all have our rituals and routines. Perhaps you hit the snooze button a few times. Maybe you get up straight away and wash your face. Perhaps you snuggle up with your beloved dog or cat.

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5 Tips For Healthy Digestion While Traveling

While traveling around the world is fun, it tends to wreak havoc on the digestion system. Many people tend to go to the bathroom either too much while on vacation or too little. It’s understandable because while traveling we are introduced to new foods, and at most times are at the mercy of restaurants. Traveling also tends to break the routines we have back home that keep our engines running smoothly.

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