6 Steps to Get Rid of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is your body’s way of telling you that something is off with the way you are eating. Our body speaks to us in sensations, so it is extremely important to listen to them. If you are experiencing acid reflux, then your body is trying to communicate that you need to add more alkaline foods to your diet.

All foods are alkaline or acidic. Here is a chart to refer to in order to distinguish where they fall on the pH Spectrum. I recommend you print this out and place on your fridge for an easy reference.

Photo originally published on MindBodyGreen

Photo originally published on MindBodyGreen

You will notice that coffee, alcohol, meats, and breads are on the acidic spectrum, and that water-filled, fiber-laden foods like fruits and veggies are on the alkaline spectrum.

6 Steps to Get Rid of Acid Reflux:

1. Start every morning off with a cup of WARM water and half a lemon. I know you might be cringing right now as you read this, but if you don't wish to take acid reflux medication, this is crucial. Lemons balance your PH immediately, so ingesting this first thing in the morning is imperative. It also flushes your body of toxins, and helps move the bowels.

2. Take digestive enzyme capsules before each meal.

3. Add as many green leafy veggies to your diet as possible as they are alkalizing. Try to get a serving at every meal.

4. Cut one cup of coffee out a day (or completely if you really want to show acid reflux who is boss), and replace with a cup of green tea. Bonus points if you add lemon!

5. Eat one green apple a day. Apples create an alkaline state in the stomach, neutralizing excess acids and aiding in digestion. They don’t say, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” for nothing!

6. Eat one to two fermented foods a day, as they bring the blood and vital fluids back to a correct hydrogen level of pH7.35. Fermented foods are also packed with glorious digestive enzymes that your gut needs and craves to create healthy gut flora. And no! Wine doesn’t count while experiencing acid reflux. Fermented foods can be in the form of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar sipped twice a day (2 tablespoons before lunch and before dinner), or by drinking kombucha or water kefir. Other examples of fermented foods are sauerkraut and yogurt.

*Bonus step for those Wellness Warriors : Cut out red meat from your diet, and reduce all meat consumption in general. Once the acid reflux goes away, you can gradually introduce some red meat (humanely raised, grass fed, and hormone free please!) if desired. Making sure your beef is grass fed is crucial, as cows fed on corn makes for extremely acidic meat.

If the acid reflux persists and doesn't go away by doing this, next step is to go on a vegan diet for at least one month,incorporate high-grade probiotics daily, and to address what is most likely a case of leaky gut.

Helpful articles:

4 Easy Ways to Eat Alkaline

Alkaline-Acidic Food Chart