Posts tagged meat
An Omnivore's Guide to Clean Protein

Meat consumption has dramatically increased in the US over the past century, and sadly, the quality of meat has declined. A large amount of the meat consumed is of poor quality, originating in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) where animals are kept in unclean and inhuman conditions.

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Are You Getting Enough Protein?

Protein. It’s vital for our health. But did you know that too much protein can actually increase the rate of chronic disease and weight gain? The other day I was at a popular “healthy” chain where they offered a gluten-free, hemp-seed brownie, advertised to have tons of protein.

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A Guide To Reading Grocery Labels

The number of health claims on food packaging continues to grow. It’s no longer just the nutrition label that matters. From “all natural” to “cage free” and “pasture raised,” food claims can be confusing and even misleading. Here’s how to read those labels and fully understand what you’re buying – and eating.

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