My Quick and Easy Cold Fighting Remedy Recipe



There is never a good time for a cold - especially while on the road! Right now I can feel one coming on so I've made a quick and easy cold fighting remedy: Ginger tea with turmeric and honey.

Why does it work?

The ginger is an immune booster and it also clears the micro-circulatory channels of the body, including those annoying sinuses that flare up during colds. Ginger also warms up the body, so it promotes healthy sweating that detoxifies and releases cold symptoms. Turmeric is rich in curcumin which can prevent infections from getting worse. It's also a powerful anti-inflammatory that will aid in faster healing. The honey is anti-bacterial and antiviral, and also helps soothe the throat as well as provide a sweetness to the drink.

My Quick and Easy Cold Fighting Remedy:Ingredients:

  • 1/2 an inch of peeled, fresh ginger cut up into small chunks, or 1 teaspoon of ginger powder

  • 1/2 an inch of peeled, fresh turmeric cut up into small chunks or 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder

  • Honey to taste (use raw if possible and remember honey is high in fructose so don't go all crazy with it. I use about 1 tablespoon)


  1. Pour boiling water over the turmeric and ginger.

  2. Let infuse until warm. About 5-10 minutes

  3. Stir in honey.

  4. Add lemon if available.

If you are on the road and can't find turmeric, no worries - the ginger and honey will still work wonders!

When I'm done with my tea I like to reuse the fresh ginger and turmeric to make another cup. Of course you can't do this if using powders, but the fresh roots can make at least two powerful cups of cold-fighting goodness.

Now, go show that cold who is boss!

Health Coach Jenna