Posts tagged drink
How To Make Kefir

Fermented foods are my jam. I love them more than most anything, as I know how healthy and vibrant they make my body. The key to good health is maintaining healthy bacteria in our gut- it’s pretty much crucial to our physical wellbeing, and as we have learned, our mental wellbeing as well.

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Tips for Staying Hydrated This Summer

Summer time is here, folks! Time for the beach, pool parties, and family vacations. But with the sublime summer vibes come the rising temperatures. So it is crucial you continue to stay hydrated. Many health problems stem from simply not drinking enough water, which is a shame because it’s such an easy fix!

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MILK. Does It Really Do the Body Good?

Let’s talk milk. Dairy is controversial and is the cause of many debates between health professionals. Some say dairy is healthy while others believe it should be avoided like the bubonic plague. The truth is, around 60% of the entire world is somewhat lactose intolerant, which means they can’t digest the milk protein, lactose.

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10 Reasons to Drink Turmeric Milk + RECIPE

From curing the common cold to preventing or fighting against cancer, turmeric is an essential spice that you should become familiar with. With a long history of being used in traditional medicines such as ancient India’s Ayurveda, it has lately become more recognized in western practices – it’s really no surprise that it is currently the most studied spice on the planet.

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