Foods to Eat For A Trim Waist + The Ones to Avoid



TRUTH: You can do all the crunches in the world and have a poor diet, and your abs will stay in hiding forever.I

t doesn’t matter how many fancy tummy exercises you are doing, if you are still eating too much C.R.A.P (Carbonated drinks, Refined food, Artificial ingredients, Processed hyper-caloric Frankenfoods) then you are not going to have a trim waist.

If you are serious about getting in shape, you need to cut out:

  • Added sugar (be sure to even keep sugars from fruit to a minimum)

  • Vegetable Oils

  • Added salt

  • Alcohol

  • Fruit juice

  • Processed foods

  • Excess dairy

  • Gluten

Not only will these foods promote bloating, they will also spike your insulin levels, resulting in fat storage.

To bring those abs out of hiding, start eating:

  • Lean protein such as eggs, fish, hemp hearts.

  • GREENS!!!!

  • Sweet potato

  • Blueberries

  • Apples

  • Walnuts

  • Almonds

  • Hemp seeds

  • Lemon water

  • Beet juice

Also, make sure you don’t let yourself get too hungry! Timing of meals is crucial so make sure you are getting 3-6 small meals a day to prevent overeating. (We all have different body types so snacking is not best for all. Consult your health coach to tailor a individualized meal plan for you.)

And the good news is, you can still have the tacos. Just make sure they are made with veggies or lean meat, use corn tortillas, ditch the sour cream, and take it easy on the cheese, alright? ;)

And remember, a little bit of what you fancy does you good. Not a boatload of what you fancy, but a little. So I encourage you to look at these lists as guidelines, not as restrictions.

Viva Tacos!

Health Coach Jenna

