"What The Health" and What It Means for Your Hormones
By now you might have already seen the new vegan documentary, "What the Health" that is causing so much controversy.
I am LOVING how this documentary has created a movement in people across the world to go vegan, vegetarian, or to cut down their animal consumption.
I do, however, have a few BIG issues with some of the claims the documentary makes.
"What the Health" shells out a lot of propaganda. I was shocked to see how many times throughout it, they claim sugar is not a cause of inflammation or diabetes- instead, they say fat is to blame. That's pretty insane and just a downright pernicious message to be spreading.
Here's why:
1. You need healthy fats for healthy hormones.
The documentary claims that animal fat leads to cancer. And yes, a diet of processed meat and unclean sources of animal protein, as well as unhealthy sources of plant based fat can lead to cancer.
But healthy fats will not.
Healthy fats will produce healthy hormones, and keep your healthy LDL cholesterol levels high- which you want!
And yes, that's right, I said "healthy LDL".
Unlike unicorns, there is such a thing! LDL gets a bad rap by being dumped in the "bad" category by the American Heart Association (seriously why haters gotta hate?!), but actually, the big fluffy particles of LDL are good for you! It's the small, rugged particles that cause heart disease.
Because guess what? All of your sex hormones are made from cholesterol, so if you are eating a low-fat diet, your hormones will be in trouble.
And I'm not saying all fat is good. Only the healthy, unoxidized ones.
----->Click HERE for you guide to healthy fats <-------
Good news is you can be vegan and STILL get your healthy fats.
You can also be vegetarian, or an omnivore. So whatever food plan you choose to fit your lifestyle and beliefs, just make sure you include healthy fats.
2. Sugar leads to inflammation and insulin resistance, which DIRECTLY affects your hormones.
Okay, these producers are smoking crack. The claim that all fats and meat leads to diabetes is 100% FALSE.
Processed meats will throw off your omega 6 to omega 3 balance in your body, which can increase your risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, Alzheimer’s, and rheumatoid arthritis.
But guess what? Eating lots of crappy vegetable oil (which is vegan!) and processed fake meats does the same thing!
You can't just say ALL of something is bad, it's not that easy.
I get it. They're passionate. They are on a mission to get everyone to go vegan. And I respect their drive and mission. But to lie about sugar to persuade? That's just playing dirty.
Let's get the facts straight. When you eat sugar (and this includes any food with a high glucose level like honey, agave nectar, fruit, etc) your insulin levels will automatically rise. So if you are eating too much sugar, this will lead to higher blood glucose levels, which will eventually lead to diabetes.
If your blood sugar levels get too high, then your body will produce more of the hormone cortisol. And ladies, this is seriously bad news bears. When your body starts to make more cortisol, guess where it will get all the juice from to make that extra order?
It will steal from your other sex hormones like progesterone and estrogen. You see, cortisol will always take priority. It's just the way our bodies are evolutionarily designed. Cortisol is designed to get us out of trouble when we are being chased by that saber tooth tiger. So your body will stop making progesterone and estrogen to make more cortisol.
And this is bad news if you are trying to conceive, wish to have healthy periods, combat PMS, keep your ideal weight, maintain high energy levels, etc.
So let's get this clear. High quality fats do not affect your glucose levels in any way, shape or form. Sugar does.
So allow "What the Health" to motivate you! Just remember to include your healthy fats, and to keep your diet as low-glycemic as possible.
And if you are going vegan, please read my article about healthy and clean sources of plant-based protein.
Health Coach Jenna