Posts tagged healthy recipe
Mini-Thin Mint Pies

I was a girl scout growing up (any Girl Scouts in the house holla!) and I used to peddle cookies every year like all the others. These days, I wouldn’t dare eat those things as they contain harmful ingredients such as food dyes, high fructose corn syrup, and emulsifiers.

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Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake Bars (Vegan)

It’s November, so it means all thing pumpkin, y’all. And I’m on a mission. I’m going to make as many pumpkin treats as humanly possible in order to convince my English husband that pumpkin is exciting. It turns out that the hoopla over pumpkin treats is shared only by Americans.

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Goji Berry Chocolate "Cheesecake"

Goji berries and chocolate are a delicious duo. I mean- not as orgasmic as peanut butter and chocolate, but pretty darn close. That’s why I created this goji berry and chocolate “cheesecake”.

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Coconut Kefir- The Easiest Fermented Food You'll Ever Make

Coconut kefir is probably the most simple fermented food to make. My body just can’t digest dairy milk kefir, so I opted for the coconut milk version instead. I have previously tried to make coconut kefir with kefir grains, and failed both times. Miserably.

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Dark Chocolate Power Cups

Sometimes in life, failure leads to even greater success. Just like these dark chocolate power cups! I was experimenting with a power bar recipe, and both trays I made just wouldn’t hold together. I was left with a crumbled mess, but dang it tasted SO good. So what did I do? Whipped up some of my homemade dark chocolate and mixed it all together and made these little guys.

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Peanut Butter & Jelly Smoothie

Peanut butter and jelly is one of the most delicious combinations. It reminds me of being a kid and eating the homemade packed lunches my mom used to make. These days I do not eat bread, so my days of peanut butter and jelly sammiches are of the past.

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"Good For You" Chocolate-Chip Cookies

As many of you know I have a HUGE sweet tooth. But no guilt here, amigos. Having a sweet tooth isn’t a bad thing, nor does it mean you have to eat processed ingredients filled with sugar. No sir, I’ll have none of that.

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