Posts tagged lifestyle
5- Ingredient Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies (Gluten -Free)

Those who know me are familiar with my obsession with peanut butter and chocolate. That’s why these cookies stole my heart. With only 5 ingredients they are super simple to make, and 100% delicious.

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Cleansing Cucumber Juice

Cucumber juice is one of the most effective ways to hydrate, cleanse and alkalize the body. It’s the perfect tonic for losing weight and alleviating digestive problems like bloating, heartburn and indigestion. Sometimes I juice straight cucumber and add it to my water throughout the day with a squeeze of lemon.

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Dark Chocolate Power Cups

Sometimes in life, failure leads to even greater success. Just like these dark chocolate power cups! I was experimenting with a power bar recipe, and both trays I made just wouldn’t hold together. I was left with a crumbled mess, but dang it tasted SO good. So what did I do? Whipped up some of my homemade dark chocolate and mixed it all together and made these little guys.

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