Dark Chocolate Power Cups


Sometimes in life, failure leads to even greater success. Just like these dark chocolate power cups! I was experimenting with a power bar recipe, and both trays I made just wouldn't hold together. I was left with a crumbled mess, but dang it tasted SO good. So what did I do? Whipped up some of my homemade dark chocolate and mixed it all together and made these little guys.

So how'd they turn out? Well, my husband can't get enough- he says they are his favorite sweet treat I've made so far! I really like them because they make for a great afternoon snack with my tea. The nuts provide plenty of protein and healthy fats, which keep my body fueled as well as my brain alert for the remainder of my day. And because I use raw cacao, I get a dose of magnesium, fiber, and antioxidants.

So see, accidents can lead to prosperity!


For the power filling:

  • 1 cup nuts (I used mix of almonds & walnuts)

  • 1 cup seeds (I used pumpkin)

  • ¼ cup Goji berries

  • 3 tbsp Chia seeds

  • 1 cup shredded coconut

  • ¼ cup cup coconut oil

  • ¼ cup maple syrup


Mix all of the above in a food processor or high speed blender for a few pulses. You don't want to blend it too much. Set aside the mixture.

Dark Chocolate:

  • 3/4 cup cacao

  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil

  • 1/3 cup maple syrup

  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract

  • Pinch of sea salt (optional)


If you live in a place with a cold climate melt the coconut oil first in a saucepan over low heat (If you live in a climate where your coconut oil is liquid then skip this step). I like to use a double broiler so the chocolate mixture does not come in direct contact with the heat. If you do not have one, just put the mixture in a bowl and set on top of the saucepan. Use what ya got, right? As soon as the coconut oil has melted add the maple syrup. Next, turn off the heat and immediately mix in the cacao until smooth, then add your vanilla. After that is all smooth and blended, sprinkle in your sea salt.

Now, add your power mix to your chocolate and stir, stir, stir. While it is still hot, pour the mixture into cupcake tins, set in the freezer, and they will be ready within the hour.


Health Coach Jenna