Posts tagged chocolate chip cookies
"Good For You" Chocolate-Chip Cookies

As many of you know I have a HUGE sweet tooth. But no guilt here, amigos. Having a sweet tooth isn’t a bad thing, nor does it mean you have to eat processed ingredients filled with sugar. No sir, I’ll have none of that.

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Peanut Butter Chocolate-Chip Oat Cookies (Gluten Free!)

If you keep up with my blog then you know I have an obsession with all things peanut butter and chocolate. That’s why when I found this recipe from my friend and fellow health coach, Carrie Sink, I just had to share it with you!

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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Squares (Gluten-Free and Vegan)

Introducing a healthy chocolate chip cookie dough! I came up with this recipe after trying something called an “Under Baked Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough” at a pub I visited in Scotland. Seeing as I’m a firm believer of “a little bit of what you fancy does you good”,

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