"Good For You" Chocolate-Chip Cookies



Hey All!

As many of you know I have a HUGE sweet tooth. But no guilt here, amigos. Having a sweet tooth isn't a bad thing, nor does it mean you have to eat processed ingredients filled with sugar. No sir, I'll have none of that.

This is why one of my hobbies is creating delicious and healthy treats. And when I'm not creating, you can betcha I'm on the look out!

Today, this delicious "good for you" cookie recipe made by my  friend, Emma, caught my eye. And luckily, she has agreed to share her recipe!

Emma's "Good For You" Chocolate Chip Cookies:

I started making these cookies for my three and four year old nieces. Kira, the three year old, can't have dairy or nut milks so I decided to see if she would drink home made oat milk. I didn't want to just toss the pulp that was left over so I had the idea to add them to a cookie recipe. This is the result!

Do things with love & they will bring love back to you.


  • 2 cups of organic sprouted whole wheat flour (for gluten-free recipe use oat flour or Bob Mill's Gluten Free Flour Blend)

  • 3/4 tsp baking soda

  • 1/2 Himalayan salt (or sea salt)

  • 3/4 cup melted organic coconut oil (or grass fed unsalted butter)

  • 3/4 cup maple syrup

  • 1/2 cup organic coconut sugar

  • 1 cup of oat pulp - see separate recipe below. (If not using oat pulp just add a cup of flour , your gluten free flour blend, or oat flour)

  • 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract

  • 1 free range egg 1 egg yolk (free range)

  • 1 1/2 cups of dark chocolate chips

To make the oat pulp:

blend 1 cup of organic steel cut oats with 3 cups of filtered water, 1tbsp of maple syrup & 1tbsp vanilla extract. Strain liquid into a bowl & you have oat milk! The pulp that is left behind... Put into a nut cloth or just use a thin cotton tea towel. Squeeze off the extra liquid into the milk. The milk lasts 5 days in the fridge. It will separate. Just shake before using & yum!

Use the dry pulp in the cookies.


  • Mix the dry ingredients & put them aside.

  • Mix the coconut oil, maple syrup, sugar & vanilla in a blender until fluffy. Then add the eggs.

  • Mix wet & dry ingredients together in a mixer or by hand. If using the oat pulp add it now. Then add the chocolate chips.

  • Cool in the fridge for 20 mins while the oven is heating at 375deg. Then use an ice cream scoop to measure out. And bake for 17 mins or until golden along the edges.

  • Use parchment paper to line the trays. Makes 18 cookies!




About Emma O'Neil:

Emma is an Authorized Level Ashtanga yoga teacher & the Director of Mysore, Toronto - an Ashtanga program in Toronto, Canada. She is also an international voice actor & maker of yoga jewelry. . To learn more about Emma's teaching schedule or to check out her jewelry line, go to www.emmaoneillyoga.com or www.malasbyemma.com. Or on Instagram @emmaoneill or @malasbyemma