Posts tagged dark chocolate
Dark Chocolate Power Cups

Sometimes in life, failure leads to even greater success. Just like these dark chocolate power cups! I was experimenting with a power bar recipe, and both trays I made just wouldn’t hold together. I was left with a crumbled mess, but dang it tasted SO good. So what did I do? Whipped up some of my homemade dark chocolate and mixed it all together and made these little guys.

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Raw Dark Chocolate (Only 5 Minutes to Prepare!)

I love dark chocolate. If someone gave me the ultimatum to go without hot water or dark chocolate, I think I would probably go without hot showers for the rest of my life. As much as I love dark chocolate, I equally disdain all of the artificial ingredients put into many of the store- bought brands such as high fructose corn syrup, soy lecithin, food dyes, “natural” flavoring, etc.  Not to mention many well known food companies procure their chocolate in a not- so- ethical manner.

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