Posts tagged Gut Health
Coconut Kefir- The Easiest Fermented Food You'll Ever Make

Coconut kefir is probably the most simple fermented food to make. My body just can’t digest dairy milk kefir, so I opted for the coconut milk version instead. I have previously tried to make coconut kefir with kefir grains, and failed both times. Miserably.

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Miso Tahini Soup

We all know that fermented foods are our best friends, and that we should eat at least two servings of them everyday. Fermented foods provide our gut with beneficial bacteria that help us stay healthy, vibrant, and happy, as good gut health is the key to our overall mental and physical wellness.

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How To Make Your Own Kombucha

If you are like me and drink kombucha every day for its amazing health benefits, then you might have figured out already that buying the stuff can get VERY expensive. This is why I brew my own at home! It’s much more cost efficient and I can play around with different flavors. Making kombucha takes some patience at first,but once you’ve found your groove, it’s super easy!

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