Coconut Kefir- The Easiest Fermented Food You'll Ever Make
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Coconut kefir is probably the most simple fermented food to make. My body just can't digest dairy milk kefir, so I opted for the coconut milk version instead. I have previously tried to make coconut kefir with kefir grains, and failed both times. Miserably.
I don't feel too bad because while looking on Meghan Telpner's health blog for another coconut kefir recipe, she mentioned she has never made a successful batch of coconut kefir with kefir grains either. Instead she uses a probiotic capsule. I tried this out and the next morning I was happy to find a fresh batch of delicious coconut kefir. I was so happy, I juuuuust may have done a little happy dance.
Coconut Kefir:
1 can (2 cups) full fat coconut milk (make sure to buy one in a BPA free can or in a tetra pack)
1 clean one liter mason jar.
Stir together the coconut milk and the probiotic. If the cream and water in the tin are very separated, you may want to toss it in the blender or warm over low heat first and then whisk in the probiotic.
Transfer to your jar and put a breathable cloth or folded paper towels on top. Secure with a rubber band.
Let sit at room temperature for 18-24 hours. You can taste periodically with a clean spoon until desired taste is achieved. If you live in a tropical climate 8 hours is enough. 6 might even be sufficient. Just keep an eye on it. Note that the longer it ferments, the more sour it will taste. It all comes down to personal preference.
Once ready, reserve 1/2 cup of coconut kefir for your next batch in a new mason jar. Place your coconut kefir in the fridge.
Will keep 3-4 days, or freeze for a couple of weeks.
Second Batch Instructions:
Mix together your reserved 1/2 cup of coconut kefir with 2 cups (1 can) organic full fat coconut milk. Repeat steps 2-5 above.
Health Coach Jenna