Cleansing Cucumber Juice

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Processed with VSCO with m3 preset

Cucumber juice is one of the most effective ways to hydrate, cleanse and alkalize the body. It's the perfect tonic for losing weight and alleviating digestive problems like bloating, heartburn and indigestion. Sometimes I juice straight cucumber and add it to my water throughout the day with a squeeze of lemon.

Today I made a sweet potion with cucumber, lemon, ginger and apple. I recommend this juice any time you are feeling bloated, or feel the need for cleansing after a day of indulgence. It's a great juice to have daily, as it will keep you hydrated and feeling groovy, and is the perfect juice to add to any detox.


  • 2 large peeled cucumbers

  • 1/2 green apple 🍏

  • 1 lemon 🍋

  • 1 inch piece of peeled ginger

Happy Juicing!

Health Coach Jenna