Bloated Blues Beet Juice

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Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Feeling bloated? Perhaps you are about to start your "Ladies' Holiday" or have been indulging in foods you don't normally eat?

Don't be sad!  It happens to the best of us!

My favorite way to reset and get back on track is with this beet, celery, ginger, lemon and apple juice. Celery and beets are diuretics and will flush out excess water weight, and beets will flush your liver of toxins stat. The ginger is also excellent for detoxing because it creates heat in the body, and lemon is always a superhero for cleaning out the system.

I've Got the Bloated Blues Beet Juice:

  • 8 stalks celery

  • 1 large beet or 2 small

  • 1 inch piece of peeled ginger

  • 1 lemon

  • 1/4- 1/2 green apple (adjust to your personal preference of sweetness)

Happy Juicing!

Health Coach Jenna