Strawberry Banana Protein Shake

Hey all! It's that time of year again. No, no not Shark Week..But something even better- Berry Season!!

Strawberries are my favorite, but they are one of the fruits I ONLY buy organic, as 98% of strawberries have pesticide residues. Did you know that California growers apply 300 pounds of pesticides to each acre of conventional strawberries? Yuck!

I encourage you to find check out this year's clean fifteen list to find out which produce you can save the extra bucks on and buy conventional. But sadly, strawberries is not on there.

In celebration of berry season, I'm featuring this berrylicious smoothie recipe created by my friend (and smoothie goddess) Andi Smith from Andi Smith Wellness.

I hope you enjoy! 

Guest Recipe By Andi Smith:

Smoothies are a great way to incorporate your fruits and vegetables each day and to get a little creative in the kitchen!


I had a few cups of strawberries left from the farmers market and I decided to whip up a new smoothie creation for your drinking pleasure. Strawberries are actually a really fragile fruit that can perish easily, so be sure to eat them up within a day or two of purchase. They pack quite a bit of health benefits into each red delicious heart shaped berry. Strawberries may help regulate blood sugar in some people, they have anti-inflammatory properties, and are full of vitamin C. So eat these red berries to your hearts content this season and don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen. The most important ingredient is to have fun!


  • 1-2 cups strawberries (even the green tops, they’re edible!)

  • 1 banana

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1 scoop protein powder (optional)

  • 1 -2 tablespoons hemp seeds

  • 1 tablespoon almond butter

  • 1/2 tablespoon bee pollen (great for vitamin B aka energy!)

  • 2 teaspoons flax seed oil

  • 3 cups almond milk

  • handful of ice (optional)


Blend all ingredients together and enjoy!

Reference:Health Benefits of Strawberries

About Andi Smith


Andi Smith is a certified recreational therapist, wellness coach, certified culinary nutrition expert, and food photographer. She loves spending time in the kitchen creating new recipes, helping people meet their health goals, and spending time outdoors with her dog, Lucy. She educates people on how to implement realistic habits into their daily lives to increase their energy and overall health. Follow her on Twitter or check out her website at
