Organic or Conventional? Plus, Money Saving Tips for Your Next Grocery Visit

Photo from Pixabay

Photo from Pixabay

Buy organic. Don’t buy organic. Regardless of your decision, the bottom line is that eating fruits and veggies is better than not eating them at all.

I try to eat organic every chance I get in order to protect myself from the harmful pesticide residue. But let's be real. Buying 100% organic can be expensive! But just because you can’t always afford to buy organic, doesn’t mean you deserve to be doused with toxic chemicals.

That is why I’ve provided a list of the  "2017 Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen below to help you decide when you can save money by buying conventional, and when it is crucial to spring the extra bucks on organic.

In addition, here are other ways to save on produce:

  1. Join a CSA -When you join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program you pay a farmer in your community a monthly membership fee and they deliver a box of what's in season to your door.

  2. Buy local and in season- Another cost effective practice is to buy produce that is in season where you live. This is much more economical than buying produce that has been shipped from far parts of the world.

  3. Don't be shy and check out the discount aisle- Grocery stores put stuff there that will expire soon, it's not yet expired! So if you are going to eat it for dinner that night, or even the next day, scoop it up and save some cash!

  4. Buy your dry food online - That's right, places like Thrive Market have competitive prices on organic dry foods, and they deliver right to your door. How's that for convenient? There is a small membership fee, but Thrive sponsors a low-income family with it.

2017 Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen List:Dirty Dozen:

  • Strawberries

  • Spinach

  • Nectarines

  • Apples

  • Peaches

  • Pears

  • Cherries

  • Grapes

  • Celery

  • Tomatoes

  • Sweet Bell Peppers

  • Potatoes

Clean Fifteen:

  • Sweet Corn (non-GMO)

  • Avocados

  • Pineapples

  • Cabbage

  • Onions

  • Frozen sweet peas

  • Papayas

  • Asparagus

  • Mangos

  • Eggplant

  • Honeydew Melon

  • Kiwi

  • Cantaloupe

  • Cauliflower

  • Grapefruit

Happy Shopping!

And remember to support your local farmer whenever possible!


Health Coach Jenna