Raw Dark Chocolate (Only 5 Minutes to Prepare!)

I love dark chocolate. If someone gave me the ultimatum to go without hot water or dark chocolate, I think I would probably go without hot showers for the rest of my life. As much as I love dark chocolate, I equally disdain all of the artificial ingredients put into many of the store- bought brands such as high fructose corn syrup, soy lecithin, food dyes, "natural" flavoring, etc.  Not to mention many well known food companies procure their chocolate in a not- so- ethical manner.

But this does not mean you have to abandon ship and give up chocolate forever! Homemade dark chocolate is extremely easy to make. All you need is coconut oil, maple syrup, and cacao (salt is optional).

By buying your ingredients from companies who get their ingredients ethically, you are supporting the good side, and by making your own chocolate, you are ditching the ingredients which make your body sick.

It's a win-win all around!Extra bonus: Cacao (not to be confused with its evil twin cacoa) is rich in magnesium which helps us keep regular visits to the loo, helps us catch zzz's, and reduces anxiety.

Raw Dark Chocolate:


  • 3/4 cup cacao

  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil

  • 1/3 cup maple syrup

  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract

  • Pinch of sea salt (optional)


  1. If you live in a place with a cold climate melt the coconut oil first in a saucepan over low heat (If you live in a climate where your coconut oil is liquid then skip this step).I like to use a double broiler so the chocolate mixture does not come in direct contact with the heat. If you do not have one, just put the mixture in a bowl and set on top of the saucepan. Use what ya got, right?

  2. As soon as the coconut oil has melted add the maple syrup.

  3. Next, turn off the heat and immediately mix in the cacao until smooth, then add your vanilla.

  4. After that is all smooth and blended, sprinkle in your sea salt.

  5. You can add any other ingredients such as goji berries, shredded coconut, etc. if desired.

  6. Next, put into small cupcake papers or a silicon mold. Place in the freezer and let harden for an hour.

  7. Store in the refrigerator after if you live in a cold climate, and keep in the freezer if you live in a hot climate.

Goji berries and dark chocolate is my jam. What's yours? I would love to hear about the creations you come up with!