5 Things Women Who Take the Birth Control Pill Should Be Doing NOW.
TRUTH: If you are currently taking the birth control pill, then you are most likely deficient in crucial vitamins and minerals.What doctors don't often tell their patients before putting them on the pill is that it:
Creates an imbalance in gut bacteria and causes leaky gut syndrome
Depletes nutrients (because they can't be absorbed due to leaky gut)
Disrupts the microbiome
Creates chronic inflammation because of the high estrogen dose
Decreases fertility
Now, I don't know about you, but I find it frustrating that doctors don't disclose this information before writing the prescription. Especially when they are prescribing the birth control pill for preventable things like irregular periods and acne. In these cases, the doctor is doing the patient a huge disservice by not delving deeper and running labs to find out what the underlying hormonal imbalance is that is causing the issues in the first place.
Prescribing the birth control pill is just plain lazy.
Okay, so what if you're on the pill and you don't plan on quitting any time soon? Well, this is your right entirely and seeing as my main goal is to help support you on your journey, I have a few tips for you.
In addition to taking birth control pill, you should start doing these five things:
1. Take a quality prenatal.
Because the birth control causes leaky gut, your body is not absorbing all the nutrients from your food. This is why it is crucial to take a daily multivitamin. I can not emphasize enough how important this is.
And babes, please splurge on this one. Don't buy the $10 bottle at CVS, this will just give you $10 urine because cheap vitamins are loaded with fillers and synthetic b vitamins. Instead, opt for a prenatal like this one (use code THEPERIODGURU for 20% off).
2. Test Your Thyroid
Hormonal birth control increases something called Thyriod Hormone Globulin which can lower your thyroid hormone. This is why it’s wise to monitor your thyroid while taking HBC. Your thyroid is your body’s battery, and if it’s not working properly it will slow your metabolism, and can result in fatigue, weight gain, constipation, joint pain, cold hand and feet, and dry skin, hair and brittle nails. For a convenient way to test your thyroid, I recommend the Let’s Get Checked at home full thyroid panel. Use code LONGORIA for 30% off.
3. B Complex:
Hormonal birth control depletes your body from the crucial B vitamins your body needs. B vitamins are necessary for the thyroid, immune function, and detox. I recommend this one in my Post Pill Protocol on my online pharmacy. And whatever you do, stay away from folic acid. It’s synthetic and many people have some variation of the MTHFR gene so their body can’t turn it into folate, its bioavailable form.
4. Eat at least 2-3 servings of fermented foods daily.
Your body depends on your gut to remove excess hormones, that's why it's vital to keep your microbiome healthy. Sadly, the birth control pill has been shown to disrupt gut flora and create an environment that allows for an overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeast. Eating fermented foods will help keep your microbiome balanced. However, if fermented foods are upsetting you, then you could have SIBO so working with a practitioner to test your gut will be helpful. I do this with my clients in my Root Cause Program.
5. Take a probiotic.
Taking a high grade probiotic is your insurance ticket that makes sure beneficial strands of bacteria are being introduced to your gut daily. For optimum health you should maintain an 85-to-15 percent ratio of good bacteria to bad. Once the bad bacteria rises above 15 percent, the immune system begins to slow down and sets off a chain reaction that promotes disease, digestion problems, and interferes with nutrient absorption.
Alright ladies, good luck! And remember, your diet is the most powerful tool you have to keep you vibrant and healthy. So continue to incorporate a variety of vegetables, protein, and quality fats into your diet always!