How to Banish the PMS Blues

As women we are vulnerable to the “PMS Blues”. This is a time when we're prone to mood swings, bloating, swollen breasts, irritability, acne, headaches, and cramps. But this can be avoided! PMS and PMDD ( PMDD usually takes place immediately after ovulation lasting longer than the few days of PMS and is accompanied by more severe mood changes) happens in our luteal phase (post-ovulation) because our estrogen drops during this time, and it brings serotonin down with it.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that makes us feel happy and keeps our mood balanced. This is the reason SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are sometimes used as treatment in western medicine for PMS and PMDD.

But there are better solutions!

During the approximate two weeks of our luteal phase, we need to be more mindful to eat less sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and reduce or exposure to stress, or more importantly control our reaction to stress.

You see, what you eat in the last two weeks of your cycle can make or break you girls!

In your Follicular Phase (pre-ovulatory) you can get away with more alcohol, caffeine and salty foods because your high estrogen levels keep you more insulin sensitive which regulates your blood sugar.

In your Luteal Phase you are more insulin resistant and need to be careful with the sugar and carbs, and if you don’t want to feel like the Goodyear Blimp leading up to our during your period, then it's best to cut back or avoid highly processed foods.

We have all seen the stereotypical scene in the movie of the girl crying over a carton of Ben and Jerry's ice cream because she is about to start her period. But this is the absolute worst thing! Instead of binge eating sugar to regulate low blood sugar and low moods, it's best to eat an extra snack or two each day during the luteal phase that includes a healthy fat and protein. During our luteal phase we need around 200 extra calories each day because our metabolism is faster due to progesterone, so it's really best to eat every 3-5 hours. This is not the time to skip meals or fast!!!

An example of a healthy, blood sugar balancing snack would be:

1. 1 cup of 2% or full fat greek yogurt with blueberries and 1 Tbs of raw honey
2. 1 orange or sliced pear with 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese
3. 1 apple with a wedge of cheese (raw cheddar or goat is great because it's easy to digest!)
4. A protein rich smoothie
5. Chia seed pudding

And don't forget about stress reduction and nervous system calming techniques during the Luteal Phase, especially in the week leading up to menstruation such as...

  • Schedule in time for an Epsom salt bath

  • Get a massage

  • Go for a yoga class

  • Schedule in something fun to nourish your inner child like reading a book or coloring

  • Take a few minutes for some deep and mindful breathing

  • Enjoy a cup of tea in silence in the sunshine

For more help on your hormone balancing journey and to banish those PMS Blues, check out my self-paced online course, The Period Solution, which can help you balance your hormones and start feeling better ASAP! This 6-module course comes with all the resources, recipes, breathing and exercise videos you need to balance your hormones and regulate your periods. This course will have you covered!!!

Be well,
