5 Foods That DESTROY Your Hormones

eatingI'm a firm believer that with the right diet and lifestyle, any hormonal condition can be put into remission, and I'm living proof!I was born with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), but with the right diet and lifestyle changes its been in remission for 2 years now! Isn't the power of food as medicine incredible?!I'm usually a fan of using positives instead of negatives, but I feel like these 5 foods are so detrimental to your health that they really need to be put on your "no-no" list ASAP if you are currently experiencing PCOS, Endometriosis, adrenal issues, thyroid problems, or painful and irregular periods.5 Foods To Ditch For Hormonal Health:1. GlutenMany people have a gluten sensitivity. And if they don't, I still don't think it is the best food for hormonal balance. Gluten contains inflammatory proteins that cause intestinal permeability, which causes food particles to enter into your blood stream, causing chronic inflammation. This leads to weight gain, mood disorders, painful periods, and can lead to auto-immune disorders.Alternative-whole grains such as rice, quinoa, buckwheat, and sweet potatoes. If you decide to eat gluten, then opt for spelt or sourdough bread, or Ezekiel sprouted grain bread.2. SugarI feel like I'm a broken record with this one, but it's the truth. You just can't obtain balanced hormones if you are eating sugar. That's because stabilizing your blood sugar is the #1 thing you must do for balanced hormones. And if you eat lots of sugar then your blood sugar levels will most likely resemble that of a roller coaster. Insulin is a hormone, and if you have too much, then it raises your cortisol, which throws everything else out of whack.And for women with PCOS, this is a biggie, because eating too much sugar causes insulin resistance, and too much insulin causes ovaries to make excess testosterone.3. Most DairyMost cow dairy contains A1 casein which is extremely inflammatory to humans. And all cow dairy contains lactose, which most of us can't even break down anyways. This leads to leaky gut, digestive issues like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.If you must have dairy then make it from organic Jersey or Guernsey cows that contain A2 casein, which is not as inflammatory.Alternative: The only exception to dairy is grass-fed butter or ghee, and cheese from goats, sheep or buffalo. Goat, sheep and buffalo products are lactose free, so they are easy on your digestion. Another great alternative to cow's milk is camel's milk. I have not tried it yet, but I hear good things.4. AlcoholSorry ladies. We should really limit our alcohol intake to 4 drinks a week. This is due to the fact that alcohol is high in sugar so it increase insulin, but it also depletes an important anti-inflammation molecule called glutathione. We need glutathione to detox, and if your detox pathways are not being supported then your body can't flush out excess hormones, namely estrogen.  Alcohol also damages gut bacteria.Alternatives: If you drink, stick to dry wines and beer, and take activated charcoal and vitamin C with each drink.5. Vegetable oilsVegetable oils are cheap and have long shelf lives, which is why you will find them in most restaurants. Vegetable oil in my opinion is the worst thing you can put in your body, and when you combine it with sugar it is like an inflammatory bomb. The omega 6's in vegetable oils not only cause inflammation all over the body, but they create inflammatory prostaglandins, which you DON'T WANT.  Prostaglandins are hormone like substances that are responsible for your period cramps. So vegetable oils, as well as any oxidized fat, will promote painful periods.Alternative: Omega 3's promote anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. So opt for omega 3 rich oils like coconut, avocado, flax, olive, and grass-fed butter and ghee instead.If you want to heal, you can't cut corners. You must let these 5 foods go.  Of course, once you are healed, you can reintroduce some in moderation as life is all about balance. But for the most part you should opt for the food alternatives I recommended.Okay folks! I hope you find this helpful. Also, if you haven't already, join me on my Hormone Community Facebook page. This is a group for women on their healing journey to support one another and share their success. You'll also catch me there  posting with articles, helpful insights and of course, live videos!With Gratitude,Health Coach Jenna