Egg Nog Smoothie
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Thanksgiving is over, so it's officially time to bring out all things Christmas! This is my favorite time of the year ( I'm not really that bothered about Thanksgiving to be honest- blasphemous I know!!) So in honor of today, I've made a Egg Nog Smoothie.
Let the holidays begin, and the Christmas music be loud. 🎼 🎼🎼
2 cups milk (I used coconut milk)
1 frozen banana
2 tbs ground flax seeds
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp all spice
1 scoop of your favorite vanilla protein powder. (I love Paleovalley’s grass-fed whey. This link gets you 15% off )
a few cubes of ice.
Blend and enjoy Christmas for brekkie!!!