Leaky Gut Syndrome +9 Signs You Might Have It
Your gut is responsible for much more than just digesting your lunch. Your gut, and the 100 trillions of bacteria that call it home, are responsible for your overall mental and physical wellbeing. Hippocrates said 2,000 years ago that “all disease begins in the gut”, and modern scientist are just now realizing how true this statement is.
For optimum health you should maintain a 85-to-15 percent ratio of good bacteria to bad. Once the bad bacteria rises above 15 percent, the immune system begins to slow down and sets off a chain reaction that promotes disease, digestion problems, and interferes with nutrient absorption.
You may have heard of Dr. Axe and his work with leaky gut syndrome, also known as “intestinal permeability”. Leaky gut is just as gross as it sounds. It’s when the intestinal wall breaks down and creates openings, which allow toxins, microbes and undigested food particles to seep into your blood stream. Your immune system then labels these "foreign invaders" as pathogens and attacks them. When this happens, it causes inflammation throughout the body, leading to disease.
The immune response to these invaders can appear in the form of any of the nine signs listed below:
Autoimmune disease
Eczema and psoriasis
Inflammatory bowel disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
Type 1 diabetes
Leaky Gut and Gluten:
Leaky gut syndrome is really no laughing matter. It might have a non-serious sounding name, but it is an epidemic in westernized countries, do to the increase of gluten in our food supplies, and the rampant overuse of antibiotics. Leaky gut is causing many of the disease we suffer from today, so it’s wise we start taking it seriously.
In 2000, Alesso Fasano, MD, at the University of Maryland made a groundbreaking discovery. Fasano isolated the substance that directly controls the tight junctions in the gut wall, and causes the gates to open, causing leaky gut. It’s a protein called “zonulin” and guess what triggers its release?
If you guessed gluten then give yourself a gold star.
Gluten and the exposure to bacteria are the only two things that can trigger the release of zonulin. This discovery has resulted in zonulin being compared to finding the root source of leaky gut.
If you have leaky gut, there is good news. With changes to your diet and lifestyle, it can be healed.
How To Heal a Leaky Gut
1.Remove all foods and factors that damage the gut.
2. Replace with healing foods.
3. Reintroduce- with probiotics (I recommend these spore based probiotics from Microbiome Labs. Click here for 10% off) and fermented foods.
4. Repair- with specific supplements.If you would like to start healing your leaky gut today, then click here to apply to work with me.