10 Reasons to Start Drinking Kombucha Today

kombucha, healthier notions

kombucha, healthier notions

Kombucha is a fermented tea that is naturally carbonated and holds TONS of healing properties. The fizzy beverage is loaded with goodies like amino acids and probiotics (probiotics re-establish the natural ecology of your gut flora, boost immunity,  fight allergies, detoxify and rid the body of disease).

Kombucha is  the perfect beverage to aid in weight loss as it keeps your digestive system regular and boosts your metabolism.  

Kombucha does have an acquired taste which is similar to vinegar, but I find infusing it with fruit takes away the edge, and makes it quite tasty! [Click HERE to find out how to make your own kombucha] If you don't like it on your first try don't stop there. Give it another try, because it's easy to get used to it if you drink it on a regular basis.

I personally LOVE the taste of kombucha and it is excellent to drink in addition with your daily probiotic supplement. I drink the stuff everyday (I like to have mine mid- afternoon for the energy boost) and here is why you might want to as well:

1. Chock full of healthy probiotics, so keeps your gut flora healthy and happy

2. Reduces inflammation

3. Detoxes the liver

4. Alkalizes the body by balancing internal pH

5. Increases metabolism

6. Improves digestion

7. Alleviates constipation

8. Boosts energy

9. High in antioxidants

10. Aids healthy cell regeneration

Hey you! Yes you! Have you tried kombucha? What is your experience with the beverage? Do you make your own or buy it from the store?

