Movie Producers of "Fed Up" Say F.U. to Congress

Photo from RadiusTWC

Photo from RadiusTWC

Before Congress voted on the School Lunch Vote this week (which includes a rider that would allow public schools to opt out of a set of nutrition standards that Michelle Obama pushed forward in 2010 if they demonstrate that implementing the standards presents undue financial hardship) the movie directors of "Fed Up" sent a special message.

According to an article this week in The Huffington Post:

"The producers of hit food documentary "Fed Up" delivered "Fed Up"-themed M&M's to 29 members of the House of Representatives today, to encourage them to vote against an agriculture appropriations bill that the producers said could make school lunches across the country less healthy than they already are.

Each 1.5 oz tin of M&Ms -- which were stamped with the words "Fed Up" and colored red and blue, to match the candies on the movie's poster -- contained 24.75 grams of sugar, less than half the 55 grams that the producers found are in a typical school lunch today."

This is awesome.

Kudos to filmmakers Stephanie Soechtig and Laurie David, for both making the film "Fed Up", and for having the grit to send the message that it is imperative for our schools to serve children  more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and less processed foods full of salt and sugar.

And for f**k's sake Congress, pizza is not a vegetable.